
The Cathedral is open to all for worship and personal prayer. Some services are livestreamed as well.


Service Schedule


Our current Service Schedule gives an overview of forthcoming services:


Sunday 1 September – Sunday 15 September

Livestreamed services


Click the link below to join any livestreamed service via our YouTube channel:


St Edmundsbury Cathedral Livestream


The following weekly services are livestreamed:


Monday to Friday 5.30 pm Evensong/Evening Prayer

Saturday 3.30 pm Evening Prayer/Evensong

Sunday 10.30 am Sung Eucharist

Sunday 3.30 pm Choral Evensong


The services will go live on our YouTube channel at the times given above and the videos will remain available there for at least a week. Please note that this is the usual weekly pattern of services; it may change week-to-week so please see our current Service Schedule above for an accurate list of forthcoming services.


You can also join Morning Prayer Monday to Friday at 8.30 am led by the Bishop from his Oratory Chapel.

Please go to our WORSHIP page for more details about services and other ways of worshipping at St Edmundsbury Cathedral.

Video Reflection

This week’s reflection is from the Rev’d Canon Philip Banks who shares his last reflection before his move to St Paul’s in London. 

The Cathedral has a regular pattern of services but there are occasional exceptions so, before setting out for a service, please check the current detailed schedules below which are updated every two weeks.

Weekly Service Sheets

Regular Pattern

8.00 am Holy Eucharist
10.00 am Sung Eucharist (on feast days Solemn Eucharist)
11.30 am Mattins (except 1st and 5th Sunday)
3.30 pm Evensong

Monday – Friday
7.30 am Silence
8.00 am Eucharist
8.30 am Morning Prayer (Note change of time from 2 September 2019)
5.30 pm Evening Prayer (Monday) or Evensong (Tuesday-Friday)

3rd Tuesday each month (in addition to the above)
12.30 pm Service of Healing and Wholeness

Wednesday (in addition to the above)
1 pm Holy Eucharist (BCP)

Thursday (in addition to the above)
12.30 pm Silent Meditation

8.45 am Morning Prayer
9.00 am Holy Eucharist
3.30 pm Evening Prayer or Evensong

Healing and Wholeness

Sundays at the Cathedral – Prayer for Healing and Wholeness


Each Sunday a member of the cathedral’s ministry team will be at the Lady Chapel altar at the Cathedral’s main 10 o’clock Choral Eucharist. They are available to you for prayer or anointing for healing and wholeness, either for yourself or for anyone for whom you are praying. If you would like personal prayer in this way, this will take place as everyone comes forward to receive Holy Communion in the service: just make your way to the Lady Chapel (to the right of the nave altar) after you have received Communion (or a blessing).


Details of this ministry and the practicalities can be read here


Further information can be found on the Diocesan website


For a theological explanation please read here