Lent at the Cathedral

Join us over Lent for services, a Lent course, guest preachers, art, reflection and more.


To start things off, we’ll have two services on Ash at 1.00 pm and 7.00 pm. At the evening Choral Eucharist, our preacher will be David Ford OBE, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus in the University of Cambridge.


We will also welcome guest preachers on Sundays during Lent with the Very Reverend Rogers Govender joining us on 18 February, The Venerable Rhiannon King preaching on 25 February, the Reverend Canon Sharron Coburn joining us on 3 March and the Reverend Canon Charlotte Cook preaching on 17 March. There will be no guest preacher on Mothering Sunday, 10 March.


On Fridays, we welcome you at 1.00 pm for a short Stations of the Cross services. Stations of the Passion will be on display in the Cathedral throughout Lent for devotional use. The paintings, by artist Iain McKillop, follow Christ’s Journey to the cross from his anointing by Mary of Bethany through to the Resurrection. Each Friday there will be a short Stations of the Cross service in the Nave as part of our preparation for Holy Week and Easter.


We are thrilled to have renowned Iconographer Tracy de Bernhardt Wood join us the week commencing Monday 18 March as our Icon Writer in Residence in the Cathedral’s Lady Chapel. She will be creating for us an Icon of Our Lady and will be available to talk to visitors as she works. Icons are made as an aid for prayer, pointing the viewer both to elements of our physical world and to elements of the eternal and transcendent.


We welcome back an in-person Lent course this year, as well as a virtual option. Using new material from the forthcoming book “Meeting God in John” by David Ford, Divinity Emeritus at the University of Cambridge, we will reflect upon how John’s Gospel draws us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ who is “The beginning and the end” and “in whom all things were made”.


There are two opportunities to join “Come and see” this Lent, with five sessions presented online and five offline.


Lent online will be Wednesdays from 21 February to 20 March, 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm:

Please email chriseyden@stedscathedral.org to receive the Zoom link.


Lent at Lunchtime will be on Thursdays in the Cathedral Learning Hub. From 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Participants are also invited to have a simple lunch from 12.30 pm at a small cost.



  • 15 February: “God in all reality” Essentials for a Christian Worldview. Who is John and what is uniquely special about his Gospel?
  • 29 February: “Who am I” How do we identify ourselves? Who is Jesus. Who are we?
  • 7 March: “What are you looking for? What is it we desire? Who decides?
  • 14 March: “Where are you from”. Where is home for you? What is home for you?
  • 21 March: “Beholding his Glory” What is God’s Glory? Where might we find it?


Please book a place on the in-person course using this link and choose either the free-to-attend lent course, or the lent course with lunch (£5.00 per session).