Welcome to our Lego Cathedral project!

Join us on our LEGO Pilgrimage! Help us recreate history brick by brick as St Edmundsbury Cathedral; Suffolk’s Cathedral and the mother church of the Diocese, is recreated entirely of LEGO® bricks.


By donating £1 per LEGO® brick you’ll be helping us reach our ambitious target to raise £200,000 (200,000 pieces of LEGO® ). Donate here.


If you are really passionate about LEGO and would like to get more hands on, we are seeking volunteers to oversee the build too. Please get in touch by dropping an email to visits@stedscathedral.org


In the meantime, we hope to see you soon!



The Lego Cathedral is located in the South West corner of St Edmundsbury Cathedral.


We are now re-open for building.  Do come and visit us Mondays to Saturdays 10.30 am to 2.30 pm (please note that there may be occasions when no volunteer is on duty. We are reliant on volunteers so sometimes it is just not possible to cover all the shifts.)

If no-one is on duty, do please consider donating anyway by leaving £1 in the cash box. We will add your brick(s) next time we are on duty.